Box drawing characters garbled on EISNER
(too old to reply)
David Meyer
2024-09-17 14:41:13 UTC
For the last several months when I try to use NOTES on EISNER, the box
drawing characters are garbled (e.g. "▒2;H▒K▒5B▒11B▒4;H▒K").

I don't recall making any changes to my terminal emulator (PuTTY)
settings. Does anyone have a clue on what I've got messed up?
David Meyer
Takarazuka, Japan
Arne Vajhøj
2024-09-17 15:13:50 UTC
Post by David Meyer
For the last several months when I try to use NOTES on EISNER, the box
drawing characters are garbled (e.g. "▒2;H▒K▒5B▒11B▒4;H▒K").
I don't recall making any changes to my terminal emulator (PuTTY)
settings. Does anyone have a clue on what I've got messed up?
Test file:


(you will need to replace <CSI> with byte 155 and <ESC> with byte 27)

$ sh term
Terminal: _TNA3: Device_Type: VT400_Series Owner: ARNE
Remote Port Info: Host: ARNEPC5 Port: 56461

Input: 9600 LFfill: 0 Width: 132 Parity: None
Output: 9600 CRfill: 0 Page: 26

Terminal Characteristics:
Interactive Echo Type_ahead No Escape
Hostsync TTsync Lowercase Tab
Wrap Scope No Remote Eightbit
Broadcast No Readsync No Form Fulldup
No Modem No Local_echo No Autobaud Hangup
No Brdcstmbx No DMA No Altypeahd Set_speed
No Commsync Line Editing Overstrike editing No Fallback
No Dialup No Secure server No Disconnect No Pasthru
No Syspassword No SIXEL Graphics No Soft Characters No Printer Port
Numeric Keypad ANSI_CRT No Regis No Block_mode
Advanced_video Edit_mode DEC_CRT DEC_CRT2
VMS Style Input <CTRL-H> Backspace

I don't think I have anything special in mt Putty config.

Note that I do:

$ set terminal/dev=vt400


$ set terminal/inq

at login.

Arne Vajhøj
2024-09-17 23:26:34 UTC
Post by Arne Vajhøj
(you will need to replace <CSI> with byte 155 and <ESC> with byte 27)
That is rather easy for me as I have CTRL/K mapped to toggle
between the textual representations and the binary version
in my customized EVE.

Without that is is probably easier to script.

$ typ box.com
$ csi[0,8] = 155
$ esc[0,8] = 27
$ write sys$output "''CSI'2J"
$ write sys$output "''CSI'01;01H"
$ write sys$output "''ESC'(0"
$ write sys$output "''CSI'01;01Hlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk"
$ write sys$output "''CSI'10;01Hmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj"
$ write sys$output
$ write sys$output
$ write sys$output "''ESC'(B"
$ write sys$output "''CSI'11;01H"
$ exit

$ typ box.groovy
println("\u009B11;01H ")

2024-09-17 15:23:37 UTC
It seems that Putty will default to a VT100+ rather than a VT400.
Changing the Putty terminal type to the VT400 resolved any odd behavior
that I have had. You can permanently change this in the Putty
configuration selected and from that point forward the SET TERM/INQ will
work as expected.

Chris Townley
2024-09-17 15:33:52 UTC
Post by abrsvc
It seems that Putty will default to a VT100+ rather than a VT400.
Changing the Putty terminal type to the VT400 resolved any odd behavior
that I have had.  You can permanently change this in the Putty
configuration selected and from that point forward the SET TERM/INQ will
work as expected.
Sadly PuTTY doesn't fully support VT100 emulation. It is fairly good,
but it was never good enough to support our application
Simon Clubley
2024-09-17 17:11:42 UTC
Post by David Meyer
For the last several months when I try to use NOTES on EISNER, the box
drawing characters are garbled (e.g. "?2;H?K?5B?11B?4;H?K").
I don't recall making any changes to my terminal emulator (PuTTY)
settings. Does anyone have a clue on what I've got messed up?
In addition to the comments you have received, I found I had to switch
the remote character set from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 in order for the
line drawing characters to work.

Simon Clubley, ***@remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP
Walking destinations on a map are further away than they appear.
David Meyer
2024-09-18 00:02:51 UTC
Thanks, everyone. I was able to get the NOTES box drawing elements to
display correctly by changing the following PuTTY settings:

Window > Translation

Remote character set: UTF-8 --> ISO-8859-1
Override with UTF-8 if locale says so: ON --> OFF

(Box drawing elements displayed correctly with just the above
changes, but I added the following for good measure.)

Connection > Data

Terminal type string: xterm --> vt400

I also put SET TERMINAL/DEVICE_TYPE=VT400 in my LOGIN.COM (for some
reason I previously had it set to "VT500").
David Meyer
Takarazuka, Japan