my website on Opensource ports to OpenVMS down
(too old to reply)
Jouk Jansen
2024-04-02 05:44:09 UTC
Hi All,

Due to the sudden death of the CLP, my website on ports of opensource
software for OpenVMS, http://nchrem.tnw.tudelft.nl/openvms/software1.html
will be down until I manage to get another license.

My backup http://galop.nano.tudelft.nl/openvms/software1.html is still
running until also on Itanium CLP will be finished.


Pax, vel iniusta, utilior est quam iustissimum bellum.
(free after Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.Chr.-46 b.Chr.)
Epistularum ad Atticum

Touch not the cat bot a glove
Jouk Jansen


Technische Universiteit Delft tttttttttt uu uu ddddddd
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience tttttttttt uu uu dd dd
Nationaal centrum voor HREM tt uu uu dd dd
Lorentzweg 1 tt uu uu dd dd
2628 CJ Delft tt uu uu dd dd
Nederland tt uu uu dd dd
tel. +31-15-2782272 tt uuuuuuu ddddddd
Matthew R. Wilson
2024-04-02 19:17:13 UTC
Post by Jouk Jansen
Due to the sudden death of the CLP, my website on ports of opensource
software for OpenVMS, http://nchrem.tnw.tudelft.nl/openvms/software1.html
will be down until I manage to get another license.
Quite frankly, I would advocate for you to NOT bring back any web site
related to porting open source software to OpenVMS -- or provide any of
your time or effort to port said software -- unless VSI reinstates a
reasonable (installation media and LP kits) community license program.

They have now demonstrated that they do not care about competent people
who may be interested in OpenVMS, and as such the community shouldn't
give VSI free resources.

Obviously what you do with your time and energy is up to you, but I'd
strongly encourage you and everyone else VSI may be relying on for free
labor to take a stand.

