Post by Grant TaylorI was hoping that people may have had old Sixel or ReGIS graphics in
their various archives that they might be willing to share.
The main archives are at and; the freeware and
DECUS SIG tapes are there.
Most folks using ReGIS and SIXEL and VT terminals weren't using
separate images, they were generating output and graphs from their
business apps. Or generating SIXEL as part of printing some other
format to a SIXEL printer.
I don't recall seeing many ReGIS or SIXEL files ever getting passed
around, even back then. Yes, there were some Christmas Tree
"proto-memes" and other such VT-based ephemera files passed around via
MAIL-11 back in the early days of VAX/VMS, but those files weren't
using ReGIS or SIXEL. The X formats (XBM, et al) and BMP and PNG (and
GIF, particularly once the patents expired) other formats became far
more common than the DEC-specific stuff, then JPG and the rest took
SIXEL was rare enough it hasn't yet made the Wikipedia article on image
file formats, and I don't recall seeing ReGIS files around. ReGIS
sequences embedded in apps yes, but not separate files.
Post by Grant TaylorPost by Stephen HoffmanThere's a pile of VT terminal documentation and tools referenced at the
...I'm aware of and have looked at some of the documentation from a 100
foot view. I'm trying to keep from falling in too far, yet.
Please read the docs. That's how the software from era that you're
interested here was used; how things really worked. Then consider
converting some images using libsixel or such; some of the newer tools
that work with these formats.
Post by Grant TaylorPost by Stephen HoffmanI'm sure there are previous discussions of SIXEL and ReGIS in the
comp.os.vms newsgroup archives, as well. Feel free to do a little
searching based on these and other search terms and resources, too.
I need to get access to a good Usenet archive of this newsgroup. My
news servers (that I run) only have history going back to when I stood
them up about three months ago.
Google Groups. Google acquired the contents of Deja News and from
other folks, and now has (the only?) archives of usenet. Maybe has some archives?
ReGIS and SIXEL displays weren't used and weren't implemented like HTML
is. Not by most folks using VAX/VMS, at least. Folks wrote apps that
used those as output, via GKS or otherwise. Though it does look like
DECwindows screen captures can be generated in SIXEL format.
Closest generic predecessors to how HTML is used and works are probably
the DEC VTX product and the French Minitel implementations, and there
are likely a few others.
Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC