Ghostscript update posted
(too old to reply)
Mark Berryman
2024-05-06 19:40:33 UTC
This forum needs a posting actually related to VMS...

I recently acquired an Epson inkjet printer when heretofore I have
always used laser printers. This printer is somewhat limited in the
document formats that it accepts as shown here:

document-format-supported: application/octet-stream, image/pwg-raster,
image/urf, image/jpeg

So I grabbed a copy of ghostscript 10.03.0 and added support for the
pwgraster device to my port. It is available at
https://theberrymans.com/php_kits/ghostscript-10_03_0.zip ( I really
need to reorganize this some day...)

Now, if I want to send a postscript or pdf file to this printer, the
process is:

$ gs -sDEVICE=pwgraster -r360 -dcupsBitsPerColor=8 -dcupsColorSpace=19
-o something.ras something.ps
$ ipp print something.ras

If I want to send a compiler listing file to this printer (which doesn't
even support text/plain) I can do the following:

$ enscript --output=out.ps --lineprinter --font=***@9/7 --landscape
--highlight-bar-gray=0.9 --highlight-bars=3 file.lis

which gives me a postscript file that I can rasterize and print.

I seem to remember a old print symbiont around somewhere that could
execute commands on a file before printing it. I think I'll try to find
and resurrect it.

Mark Berryman
Robert A. Brooks
2024-05-07 00:59:31 UTC
Post by Mark Berryman
This forum needs a posting actually related to VMS...
Post by Mark Berryman
I seem to remember a old print symbiont around somewhere that could execute
commands on a file before printing it.  I think I'll try to find and resurrect it.
--- Rob