Post by Lawrence D'OliveiroPost by Craig A. BerryIn theory, if one knew the locations of *all* of the pieces, one could
reverse engineer an older kit and build a new one like it with the new
images and data from an installation. But there are a lot of things
that could go wrong, depending on what changed between versions.
Seems like proprietary vendors do *not* have the incentive to support any
kind of modular package management.
It's in their advantage to support package management for third-party
applications, because it makes it easier for third-party applications to
release and support their products.
It is against their advantage to support package management for the operating
system itself, because it will mean people will strip it down and no two
installations will be the same (as often happens with Linux) and this makes
support much more difficult. They sell all of these parts and they want you
to use them all together and never separate them. Not even to disable Clippy.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."