VLF Notes: VMware ESXi for VSI/VMS hobbyists
(too old to reply)
Subcommandante XDelta
2024-12-03 00:16:09 UTC
Dear comp.os.vms collegiates,

The purpose of this VLF (VMS Liberation Front) note is to provide a
resource - VMware ESXi - for VSI/VMS hobbyists who want to get closer
to the bare metal than what VirtualBox can provide.


It can be downloaded from the Usenet Binaries Newgroups:


And unpacked with your favourite archiving utility.

It's straight from Scene Source, pure as the driven snow, clean as a
whistle, and you can bet your nuclear reactor on it.

It is kindly provided by our esteemed colleagues elsewhere in the
general RCE (Reverse Code Engineering) Scene.

BTB, the VLF Project is mostly retired - it was founded and forged in
the dim, dark, dismal, days of 2011-2012, when VMS was at its
near-death nadir, near its 35th anniversary, and the catastrophic
collapse of VMS mindshare looked imminent - so two ex-digits gave HP
the finger, and decided we were going to put up a hell of a fight - we
were old as the hills, mad as hell, and quite possibly mad, and we
weren't going to take it anymore - and we vowed to continue until our
system clocks ran down.

We were quite productive in those early years with the release of the
LMFgen and a serendipitous mother-lode treasure-trove of Stromasys
CHARON VAX/AXP/PDP hardware virtualisers, courtesy of a rather
casually protected FTP server, back in the day.

We delivered the best for the benighted and beleaguered VAX/VMS and
AXP/VMS hobbyists, and indeed, there is no VAX/VMS or AXP/VMS
hobbyist, or, indeed, shop, that cannot continue to run, with the
consequent preservation of VMS mindshare - and any VAX/VMS or AXP/VMS
shop that continues to run, is one that can migrate to VSI/VMS, rather
than migrate away from VMS.

We terminated the risk of an extinction level event (ELE) of VMS
mindshare - and we make no apologies for that.

About a decade ago, one of our old-hand digit, Aussie, sympathisers,
apprised, and briefed, that pioneering elder statesman of DEC
Australia, Mr Max Burnet, whom, sadly, passed away in 2023, of the
existence and the works of the VLF, and he reported back that Mr
Burnet had a tear in his eye as he said "That such VMS fanatics
exist." - that is the only validation we have needed, really, that our
methods were sound (per Colonel Kurtz, Apocalypse Now) and that our
path was true.


Back in the day on comp.os.vms we copped a lot of brickbats, when we
made out entrance out of left field, particularly from IP fetishists
that would rather have seen VMS die from the violating IP owners (HP),
than see IP violated - but as we patiently and persistently reminded
comp.os.vms collegiates - that because the VLF exists, none of them,
with their backs against the wall, would have their hand forced to do
exactly what we had done.

We fondly recall one of our most energetic critics, at that time -
Herr "Gott im Himmel" Helbig - we did discuss, to wind him up,
pretending to be "KremVax" Russian hackers, giving the VMS anglosphere
a grandparental master class in egg husbandry about how to sort
matters out - however, we thought the better of it, and didn't want to
raise his Teutonic blood pressure - I'm sure that, IRL, we could have
buried the hatchet, sorted out our differences, and enjoyed a few
beer-steins of quality German lagered products, together.

With the welcome advent of both VSI (VMS Software International) and
the VMS Generations group, roughly around the same time, IIRC, we
decided that there may well be a brighter future for VMS, and the VMS
ecosystem, and consequently we dialed back the exigent urgency of our
VLF Project bucket-list action-items.

What with doting on grand-children, attending to portfolios of medical
woes, and the relativistic time contraction with advancing age, the
years have rolled by.

We do regret not getting around to releasing Oracle/RBD for the VMS

We do regret not releasing the LMFgen in the proper, and fitting,
manner which was originally intended, back in 2012 - as BLISS, and
VAXC, full source code - also compiled for VAX and AXP, and designed
for integration as DCL Verbs. We also intended to write the LMFgen as
a DCL Command Script, so that it was comprehensible to any VMS person
- DCL is capable of great elegance - the joys of lexical discourse!

A technical note to VSI - there is absolutely nothing wrong with the
License Management Facility (LMF) - it's elegantly fit for purpose -
VMS people are rules players, the LMF allows them to know where they
stand. Allow license types that give confidence to VMS shops that it's
safe and secure to continue with VMS, and not have to plan to migrate
away, should VSI ever go belly up - the VMS Generations group have
very sage advice on that, as always, providing reliable North Star
navigation, from the VMS ecosystem.

Another technical note to VSI - please do not think to complicate your
code-bases with byzantine, and diabolical, protection systems -
excellence sells - maintain focus on that. There is no protection
system that cannot be bypassed.

Case in point, the terminated targets from these Stellar underground
RCE Scene groups: MAGNiTUDE, XFORCE, and CORE, to name but a few:




In the audio underground RCE Scene, Team R2R (Reverse to
Revolutionise) rule supreme as comprehensive protection demolition
experts - indeed their releases tend to start faster, operate faster,
with substantial less audio latency:


A reassurance to VSI - the VLF never, ever, intended, or intend, to
reverse engineer the VSI licensing systems - we want both VSI, and the
VMS Ecosystem, to thrive, and to thrive vigorously, and to continue to
do so.

A history of VLF releases and comp.os.vms communiques can be found


Please note carefully that there are no direct links for the
downloading of our releases, it is purely informational (NFO) only.

The VLF releases, however, can be found and downloaded on
alt.binaries.warez, and also downloaded from this underground RCE
Scene Distro repository:


Archive Password: webscene.ir

All the VLF releases have been uploaded to the IPFS (Inter-Planetary
File System) resilient, persistent, file system, in preparation for
when my system clock runs down:

A reliable, simple, IPFS downloader:



Note: IPFS downloads (at least on Windows) can lose file extensions -
simply tack ".rar" to the end of the downloaded file.










And some bonus extras:




If you need a Windows substrate to run the Stromasys CHARON hardware
virtualisers on, then we refer you to the excellent MAS Project:


Back to matter of the VLF Project being semi-retired, I regret to
impart that my esteemed colleague, and good friend, Subcommandante
BYPASS, has, in all likelihood, kicked the big bit bucket, and is
abiding in Silicon Heaven with Big Ken. In the "mad genius" that was
the VLF, Subcommandante BYPASS was the RCE genius half, and I was (and
am) the mad half.

We loved our super secret squirrel cyphertext communications - I tend
to be a cypherpunk hard-arse, and BYPASS was a hundred times worse -
compiling his own cypher systems, from early, walked-through, PGP
code, and always, annoyingly, exasperatingly, setting expiries on his
PGP keys - which, of course, he'd, inevitably, forget to renew... -
consequently - oh, the humanity, irony, and the comedy! - I'd have to
paper mail him a post-card to prompt his memory, so that we could
continue our cyphertext email conversations via our super secret
squirrel, brown paper bag, identities.

With apparent paradox, we did cleartext paper mail each other (never
mentioning secret VLF business), sent family photographs, and
Christmas cards, and parcels of DEC memorabilia, to each other.

I haven't had any contact from him since August 2022, either by
e-mail, or by paper post, and there has been no response to my
Christmas cards for the last two years, and I expect, but do not
anticipate, that there will be no response this year either, alas.

I regret that I never quite got around to shipping him one of my VAX
11/780 circuit boards, to hang on his wall, to complement his
extensive collection of things DEC.

I regret that we never got around to setting up a VLF FTP so that we
could share and mirror all our R&D data, and sundry files, easily -
and act as disaster recovery, and ongoing backup - alas, much has been
lost with his departure.

I regret that our well-intention plans to cross oceans and continents
- to quaff quality lagered products together - never got beyond
arm-waving, blue-sky, kite-flying, affable affirmations, and
declarations of strong intent (DECronym: DSI).

I dearly miss our conversations on matters VMS, and the plotting of
the next stage of the revolution, and conversations about his
beer-craft, and his beloved bee-hives, and his beloved VMS cluster.

I salute his love and dedication to the VMS Operating System - that
intellectual jewel, glory, and heritage, of the Digital Equipment
Corporation - and whilst I continue to draw breath, I will hold him
dearly in both my heart and my memory.

Subcommandante BYPASS - resquiat in pace, requiem in potestate, dear

System Clocks run down - it can't be helped - so it goes, so it goes.

And what is a take-away message from the myriad regrets essayed? -
tick action-items off your to-do lists, pro-actively, sooner than
later - 'twas ever thus, 'twas ever thus...

In regards to our VLF releases, standard protocol applies - as always
- neither brickbats, nor bouquets, are desired - do not get
distracted, rather, keep focused on sharing your erudition,
experience, and expertise, on matters VMS, on comp.os.vms - as per

One final thought, as much as the venerable Vernon is the beloved
mascot of VMS, and exigently relevant given that the clade
Selachimorpha are under the extinction pump, there is a strong case to
be made that the totem animal, or spirit animal, of VMS is Balthazar
the Donkey, from the classic film from the French Director, Robert
Bresson: "Au hasard Balthazar" (1966).



It is a profound film, one of the greatest of all time, and I heartily
recommend all comp.os.vms collegiates to view it - track down the
Criterion DVD. With reference to the movie, our Balthazar, VMS, is
once again in good hands, with VSI, in complementary concert with the
charitable animal inspectors at the VMS Generations group.

I don't usually, interact with the comp.os.vms colloquy, but I do
monitor it, to see what the old gang is up to - the ranks have been
thinning out over the years, but it admirably carries on - there may
come a time when its down to "Four Yorkshiremen" (per Monty Python),
but it will carry on regardless!.

I only stick my beak in, when something warrants prodding and poking,
and then have a short excursion from the MCR mausoleum - like as with
my recent post on bare-metal VMS - that ever present elephant in the
VMS loungeroom.

This was intended to be a short, sweet, VLF note, but has discursively
wandered into reminiscing and eulogy - it was delivered, ex cathedra,
from my La-Z-Boy recliner, from my ThinkPad perched on a dinner tray,
with a lagered product by my side. What's that dear? - stop playing
VMS underground superheroes and ready for bed? (my SO is 99 to my 86)
- Oh well, time for my hot malted milk, with a nip of something extra.

That's it from the near-emeritus Team VLF for this year - have a very
merry Christmas and a happy new year! - toodle-pip!

Thank you for your attention, comp.os.vms collegiates.

As always - Semper VMS.

With the very best regards,

Subcommandante XDelta
p.p. Subcommandante BYPASS (RIP)
The VMS Liberation Front: In VMS We Trust

PS: When I get around to it, I will release DECDocument for VAX/VMS
and AXP/VMS, from the bucket list, to complement our WordPerfect
release from 2016.


$!-------------------------- damn straight -----------------------!$
$ opprobrium/level=kittens/mode=conniptions/input=VLF:/output=NL: !$
$!--------------------------- enough said ------------------------!$
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-12-03 00:56:44 UTC
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
We do regret not releasing the LMFgen in the proper, and fitting,
manner which was originally intended, back in 2012 - as BLISS, and
VAXC, full source code - also compiled for VAX and AXP, and designed
for integration as DCL Verbs. We also intended to write the LMFgen as
a DCL Command Script, so that it was comprehensible to any VMS person
- DCL is capable of great elegance - the joys of lexical discourse!
I got hold of that C code, which looked to me like some kind of straight
transliteration of a disassembly of VAX code straight into C. I did try to
clean it up a bit and make it easier to understand what was going on. I
also did a Python version, which added more features.

Should I make that available somewhere?
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
Note: IPFS downloads (at least on Windows) can lose file extensions -
simply tack ".rar" to the end of the downloaded file.
Fun fact: every time I’ve extracted a .rar file and reencoded it as .7z,
the .7z version was smaller.
Arne Vajhøj
2024-12-03 01:50:42 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
We do regret not releasing the LMFgen in the proper, and fitting,
manner which was originally intended, back in 2012 - as BLISS, and
VAXC, full source code - also compiled for VAX and AXP, and designed
for integration as DCL Verbs. We also intended to write the LMFgen as
a DCL Command Script, so that it was comprehensible to any VMS person
- DCL is capable of great elegance - the joys of lexical discourse!
I got hold of that C code, which looked to me like some kind of straight
transliteration of a disassembly of VAX code straight into C. I did try to
clean it up a bit and make it easier to understand what was going on. I
also did a Python version, which added more features.
Should I make that available somewhere?

$ del [...]*lmfgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*pakgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*all_other_tools_intended_for_license_violation*.*;*
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
Note: IPFS downloads (at least on Windows) can lose file extensions -
simply tack ".rar" to the end of the downloaded file.
Fun fact: every time I’ve extracted a .rar file and reencoded it as .7z,
the .7z version was smaller.
LZMA is better than LZSS.

Subcommandante XDelta
2024-12-03 02:16:32 UTC
Post by Arne Vajhøj
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
I got hold of that C code, which looked to me like some kind of straight
transliteration of a disassembly of VAX code straight into C. I did try to
clean it up a bit and make it easier to understand what was going on. I
also did a Python version, which added more features.
Should I make that available somewhere?
$ del [...]*lmfgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*pakgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*all_other_tools_intended_for_license_violation*.*;*
You have done your duty, rest easy, VMS Soldier.
Simon Clubley
2024-12-04 13:25:10 UTC
Post by Arne Vajhøj
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
We do regret not releasing the LMFgen in the proper, and fitting,
manner which was originally intended, back in 2012 - as BLISS, and
VAXC, full source code - also compiled for VAX and AXP, and designed
for integration as DCL Verbs. We also intended to write the LMFgen as
a DCL Command Script, so that it was comprehensible to any VMS person
- DCL is capable of great elegance - the joys of lexical discourse!
I got hold of that C code, which looked to me like some kind of straight
transliteration of a disassembly of VAX code straight into C. I did try to
clean it up a bit and make it easier to understand what was going on. I
also did a Python version, which added more features.
Should I make that available somewhere?
$ del [...]*lmfgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*pakgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*all_other_tools_intended_for_license_violation*.*;*
$ delete/erase woould be better.

It's nonsense like this that gives the hobbyist community a bad name.

Simon Clubley, ***@remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP
Walking destinations on a map are further away than they appear.
Subcommandante XDelta
2024-12-04 22:38:45 UTC
On Wed, 4 Dec 2024 13:25:10 -0000 (UTC), Simon Clubley
Post by Simon Clubley
Post by Arne Vajhøj
$ del [...]*lmfgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*pakgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*all_other_tools_intended_for_license_violation*.*;*
$ delete/erase woould be better.
It's nonsense like this that gives the hobbyist community a bad name.
You've done your duty, VMS soldier, rest easy.

As a rule, the VLF do not interact with the comp.os.vms colloquy,
unless we feel the need, and then we wheel ourselves out of cold
storage - like cats and UFOs, our ways are mysterious.

However, I would like to correct a fundamental category error, and set
the record straight - the VLF were never VMS Hobbyists - we were VMS
Fanatics - with the self appointed task, duty, and mission, to prevent
the deletion and erasure of both VMS, and VMS mindshare.

That our activism, and releases, had derivative benefit, and utility,
for some in the VMS Hobbyist community, was a pleasant side-effect.

We have always had great respect for those inside DEC, Compaq, HP, and
now VSI, and those, outside, in the VMS community, that have
prosecuted the cause of, and maintained, the VMS Hobbyist programs for
over a quarter of a century.

Long may the VSI Hobbyist program continue.
David Goodwin
2024-12-05 07:49:45 UTC
Post by Simon Clubley
nonsense like this that gives the hobbyist community a bad name
What hobbyist community?

Official hobbyist licenses are long gone at this point - VSI got rid of
what remained. All thats left now is a trial version in the form of an
x86 VM you get to wipe and start over fresh with once a year; what VSI
used to call the student kit.
Dave Froble
2024-12-06 03:08:26 UTC
Post by David Goodwin
Post by Simon Clubley
nonsense like this that gives the hobbyist community a bad name
What hobbyist community?
Well, now and then, I might be considered one of those hobbyists. A hobbyist
license is not necessary. All my licenses are real licenses, valid, and legal.
Talking VAX and Alpha.
I do have an itanic with a real license, however, I did not attempt any license
transfers. Hasn't been powered up in years, and perhaps will never be powered
up. Too noisy, too power hungry, and of low interest to me.

My point is, a hobbyist license isn't necessary. But it would be nice for
hobbyists who do not have valid licenses.
David Froble Tel: 724-529-0450
Dave Froble Enterprises, Inc. E-Mail: ***@tsoft-inc.com
DFE Ultralights, Inc.
170 Grimplin Road
Vanderbilt, PA 15486
Dave Froble
2024-12-06 03:02:00 UTC
Post by Simon Clubley
Post by Arne Vajhøj
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
We do regret not releasing the LMFgen in the proper, and fitting,
manner which was originally intended, back in 2012 - as BLISS, and
VAXC, full source code - also compiled for VAX and AXP, and designed
for integration as DCL Verbs. We also intended to write the LMFgen as
a DCL Command Script, so that it was comprehensible to any VMS person
- DCL is capable of great elegance - the joys of lexical discourse!
I got hold of that C code, which looked to me like some kind of straight
transliteration of a disassembly of VAX code straight into C. I did try to
clean it up a bit and make it easier to understand what was going on. I
also did a Python version, which added more features.
Should I make that available somewhere?
$ del [...]*lmfgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*pakgen*.*;*
$ del [...]*all_other_tools_intended_for_license_violation*.*;*
$ delete/erase woould be better.
It's nonsense like this that gives the hobbyist community a bad name.
Might I suggest that hobbyists being able to play with old VAX, Alpha, and
itanic computers in now way would effect VSI and their endevors. It might, not
saying it will, even help VSI in some small manners.

Talking history here. Just can't see any problems.
David Froble Tel: 724-529-0450
Dave Froble Enterprises, Inc. E-Mail: ***@tsoft-inc.com
DFE Ultralights, Inc.
170 Grimplin Road
Vanderbilt, PA 15486
Subcommandante XDelta
2024-12-03 02:44:20 UTC
On Tue, 3 Dec 2024 00:56:44 -0000 (UTC), Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
We do regret not releasing the LMFgen in the proper, and fitting,
manner which was originally intended, back in 2012 - as BLISS, and
VAXC, full source code - also compiled for VAX and AXP, and designed
for integration as DCL Verbs. We also intended to write the LMFgen as
a DCL Command Script, so that it was comprehensible to any VMS person
- DCL is capable of great elegance - the joys of lexical discourse!
I got hold of that C code, which looked to me like some kind of straight
transliteration of a disassembly of VAX code straight into C. I did try to
clean it up a bit and make it easier to understand what was going on. I
also did a Python version, which added more features.
Should I make that available somewhere?
Well, yes, why not, advance the state of the art, VMS soldier!

Review all the code commentary, closely, to ensure that the code is
comprehensible as possible.

In the first instance, post it to several text snippet sites, as
permanent pastes-snippets, such as at PasteBin, remembering to making
the snippet name as informative as possible, for non-comprehensive

DEC VMS LMF LMFgen Pakgen Source Code

Secondly, I'd search for conversations, in the search engines, that
mention lmfgen and pakgen, old and more recent, and see where
annotating those conversations might be useful.

Upload to the Usenet Binaries (ngPost is excellent).

Upload to the IPFS system - in both cases make your archive names are
very informative.

Bear in mind that you are doing all of this, declared from your IRL

However, any one any where getting apoplectically apocalyptic at the
prospect of a handful of VMS old-hands being able to maintain their
beloved VAC/VMS and AXP/VMS hobbyist systems going in a state of
dignity and perpetuity, should really get s life.

Padawan pro-tip: don't post the source code directly (link
indirecttions only) to to comp.os.vms! - we are all getting on, and we
don't want any medical incidents. :-)
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-12-03 04:59:56 UTC
In the first instance, post it to several text snippet sites ...
I could almost post it here. My C version is 633 lines, versus the
original at 851 lines. And my Python version is even smaller, at 410
lines. And I even did man pages, at 130-140 lines each.
Subcommandante XDelta
2024-12-03 08:33:07 UTC
On Tue, 3 Dec 2024 04:59:56 -0000 (UTC), Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In the first instance, post it to several text snippet sites ...
I could almost post it here. My C version is 633 lines, versus the
original at 851 lines. And my Python version is even smaller, at 410
lines. And I even did man pages, at 130-140 lines each.
Sigh, don't upset the old guard, some consider you a troll, rather
than a boisterous new comer.

Drop us a line, padawan, grass hopper.


Public Key: https://keys.openpgp.org/search?q=vlf%40hush.com

Set up a ProtonMail Account:


Send me your public PGP key.
Subcommandante XDelta
2024-12-04 22:34:26 UTC
On Tue, 03 Dec 2024 11:16:09 +1100, Subcommandante XDelta
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
Dear comp.os.vms collegiates,
The purpose of this VLF (VMS Liberation Front) note is to provide a
resource - VMware ESXi - for VSI/VMS hobbyists who want to get closer
to the bare metal than what VirtualBox can provide.
And unpacked with your favourite archiving utility.
It's straight from Scene Source, pure as the driven snow, clean as a
whistle, and you can bet your nuclear reactor on it.
It is kindly provided by our esteemed colleagues elsewhere in the
general RCE (Reverse Code Engineering) Scene.

Addenda, errata:

The late, great, lamented, Utah Phillips, once said: "No matter how
new age you get, old age will kick your ass."

Yeah, verily, forsooth: I had some memory ECC parity errors, for which
this is the correction:

I forgot to add these resources for VSI/VMS Hobbyists:



They can be retrieved from alt.binaries.warez:


Or the can be retrieved from the IPFS:



However, the IPFS CIDs have not propagated through the network just
yet, but can be downloaded, by appending the target CID, to one of
these URLs:



Subcommandante XDelta
2024-12-06 22:33:42 UTC
On Thu, 05 Dec 2024 09:34:26 +1100, Subcommandante XDelta
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
On Tue, 03 Dec 2024 11:16:09 +1100, Subcommandante XDelta
Post by Subcommandante XDelta
Dear comp.os.vms collegiates,
The purpose of this VLF (VMS Liberation Front) note is to provide a
resource - VMware ESXi - for VSI/VMS hobbyists who want to get closer
to the bare metal than what VirtualBox can provide.
And unpacked with your favourite archiving utility.
It's straight from Scene Source, pure as the driven snow, clean as a
whistle, and you can bet your nuclear reactor on it.
It is kindly provided by our esteemed colleagues elsewhere in the
general RCE (Reverse Code Engineering) Scene.
The late, great, lamented, Utah Phillips, once said: "No matter how
new age you get, old age will kick your ass."
Yeah, verily, forsooth: I had some memory ECC parity errors, for which
However, the IPFS CIDs have not propagated through the network just
yet, but can be downloaded, by appending the target CID, to one of

IPFS CID status check:



IPFS CID gateway propagation check:


IPFS CID inspector:


IPFS gateway status checker:


The ipget command for the easiest download is:

ipget --progress vlf$release$cid -o vlf$release$name.rar

If you encounter problems with ipget, then do a IPFS CID gateway
propagation check, and for any of the gateways that return a positive
result for the CID, to download the file, then enter that URL into a
browser window:


Substituting the relevant address components, to download the target
